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Even quiz 5

Even quiz 5 1. Who became a Pop idol in 2002? a. Gareth Gates b. Darius Danesh c. Will Young 2. Who succeeded David Vine as host of BBC's A Question Of Sport? a. David Coleman b. Sue Barker c. John Inverdale   3. Which symphony was Beethoven's last? a. Ninth b. Tenth c. Eighth 4. How is Viscount Stansgate better known? a. Edward Heath b. Tony Benn c. Denis Healey 5. St Jude is the patron saint of what? a. Textile workers b. Traitors c. Hopeless causes 6. How did Oscar Wilde's character Dorian Grey keep his youthful looks? a. He traded his soul with the Devil to stay young b. He took great care of his appearance c. He had a painting which aged while he do not Answer of even quiz 4 1. C.   2. A.   3. A.   4. B.   5. A.   6. B